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What is High Dose Vitamin C IV?
If you're suffering from chronic syndromes like cancer or autoimmune diseases, high-dose vitamin C intravenous infusions could potentially offer relief, as this potent antioxidant strengthens the immune system, reduces inflammation, and may even have antiviral and anticancer properties. But what's the cost, and is it worth it? HydraMed breaks down the pricing and benefits of high-dose vitamin C IV therapy and presents the information for review.
High Dose Vitamin C
Nutrient & Dose Facts
Fluids with Electrolytes
Key Nutrients
High Dose Vitamin C Mobile IV Therapy
High-dose Vitamin C IV infusion can provide a quick and effective treatment option for people suffering from chronic syndromes. This potent antioxidant can boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and alleviate symptoms associated with chronic conditions.
Receiving mobile IV therapy allows you to receive care in the comfort of your own home, avoiding potentially stressful and time-consuming trips to a clinic or hospital. Furthermore, the personalized care and attention provided by a dedicated team of healthcare professionals can help ensure the best treatment experience possible.
Support With
Boosts immune system function
Chronic exhaustion and fatigue
Immunity strength against the public
Aids in detoxification
Reduces inflammation
Reduces oxidative stress
Other IV Drips
Boost your Drip with
Heart, Brain, & Energy
Taurine benefits heart, brain, eyes, muscles, energy, immune function, and a lot more.
Pain Relief
Headache & Pain Medication is more effective than ibuprofen in reducing head and body pain.
Full Body Health
B-Complex Vitamins support hundreds of functions for the brain & body.
Feeling better doesn’t have to be complicated.
Experienced IV nurses will visit you in the comfort of your own home, providing support and guidance throughout the entire process.
Mobile IV therapy takes only 45 minutes to administer, allowing you to feel better quickly and helping improve your overall health and longevity.